(p_bo_identifier => 'BOM',
-- This parameter is required. It is used by the API to compare the version number of
-- incoming calls to its current version number.
p_api_version_number => 1.0 ,
-- This parameter is set to TRUE, allows callers to request that the API do the
--initialization of message list on their behalf.
p_init_msg_list => TRUE,
-- This is a set of data structures that represent the incoming business objects. This is a
--record that holds the Bill of Materials header for the BOM
p_bom_header_rec => v_bom_header_rec,
-- All the p*_tbl parameters are data structure that represent incoming business objects
-- They are PL/SQL tables of records that hold for each of the other entities.
p_bom_revision_tbl => v_bom_revision_tbl , p_bom_component_tbl => v_bom_component_tbl, p_bom_ref_designator_tbl => v_bom_ref_designator_tbl, p_bom_sub_component_tbl => v_bom_sub_component_tbl,
-- All the x*_tbl parameters are data structure that represent outgoing business objects
-- They are PL/SQL tables of records that hold records for each of the other entities except
-- now they have all the changes that the import program made to it through all the
-- steps.
x_bom_header_rec => v_bom_hdr_rec , x_bom_revision_tbl => v_bom_rev_tbl,
x_bom_component_tbl => v_bom_comp_tbl,
x_bom_ref_designator_tbl => v_bom_ref_desig_tbl, x_bom_sub_component_tbl => v_bom_sub_comp_tbl,
-- This is a flag that indicates the state of the whole business object after the
-- import. 'S' - Success, 'E' - Error, 'F' - Fatal Error, 'U' - Unexpected Error ,
x_return_status => v_return_status ,
-- This holds the number of messages in the API message stack after
--the import.
x_msg_count => v_msg_count
p_debug => 'N',
p_output_dir => '',
p_debug_filename => '' );
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