Query to Select Prepayment Invoice Status in Oracle Payables
SIGN (SUM (amount - NVL (prepay_amount_remaining, amount))),
DECODE (SUM (prepay_amount_remaining), 0, 'Y', NULL),
AS PP_F -- Y is Fully Applied, N is Partially or Not Applied
FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid, ap_invoices_all ai, po_vendors pv
WHERE aid.invoice_id = ai.INVOICE_ID
AND aid.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM'
AND ai.invoice_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAYMENT'
AND NVL (reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
GROUP BY pv.vendor_name, ai.invoice_num
SIGN (SUM (amount - NVL (prepay_amount_remaining, amount))),
DECODE (SUM (prepay_amount_remaining), 0, 'Y', NULL),
) <> 'Y';
This is available in metalink and many internet sites. Since I felt it handy reference, I have reproduced the contents.
Order Management Tables.
oe_order_headers_all 1 record created in header table
oe_order_lines_all Lines for particular records
oe_price_adjustments When discount gets applied
oe_order_price_attribs If line has price attributes then populated
oe_order_holds_all If any hold applied for order like credit check etc.
oe_order_headers_all Booked_flag=Y Order booked.
wsh_delivery_details Released_status Ready to release
Pick Released
wsh_delivery_details Released_status=Y Released to Warehouse (Line has been released to Inventory for processing)
wsh_picking_batches After batch is created for pick release.
mtl_reservations This is only soft reservations. No physical movement of stock
Full Transaction
mtl_material_transactions No records in mtl_material_transactions
wsh_delivery_details Released to warehouse.
wsh_new_deliveries if Auto-Create is Yes then data populated.
wsh_delivery_assignments deliveries get assigned
Pick Confirmed
wsh_delivery_details Released_status=Y Hard Reservations. Picked the stock. Physical movement of stock
Ship Confirmed
wsh_delivery_details Released_status=C Y To C:Shipped ;Delivery Note get printed Delivery assigned to trip stopquantity will be decreased from staged
mtl_material_transactions On the ship confirm form, check Ship all box
wsh_new_deliveries If Defer Interface is checked I.e its deferred then OM & inventory not updated. If Defer Interface is not checked.: Shipped
oe_order_lines_all Shipped_quantity get populated.
wsh_delivery_legs 1 leg is called as 1 trip.1 Pickup & drop up stop for each trip.
oe_order_headers_all If all the lines get shipped then only flag N
wsh_delivery_details Released_status=I Need to run workflow background process.
ra_interface_lines_all Data will be populated after wkfw process.
ra_customer_trx_all After running Autoinvoice Master Program for
ra_customer_trx_lines_all specific batch transaction tables get populated
Price Details
qp_list_headers_b To Get Item Price Details.
Items On Hand Qty
mtl_onhand_quantities TO check On Hand Qty Items.
Payment Terms
ra_terms Payment terms
AutoMatic Numbering System
ar_system_parametes_all you can chk Automactic Numbering is enabled/disabled.
Customer Information
hz_parties Get Customer information include name,contacts,Address and Phone
Document Sequence
fnd_document_sequences Document Sequence Numbers
Default rules for Price List
oe_def_attr_def_rules Price List Default Rules
End User Details
csi_t_party_details To capture End user Details
Sales Credit Sales Credit Information(How much credit can get)
Attaching Documents
fnd_attached_documents Attched Documents and Text information
Blanket Sales Order
oe_blanket_headers_all Blanket Sales Order Information.
Processing Constraints
oe_pc_assignments Sales order Shipment schedule Processing Constratins
Sales Order Holds
oe_hold_definitions Order Hold and Managing Details.
Hold Relaese
oe_hold_releases_all Hold released Sales Order.
Credit Chk Details
oe_credit_check_rules To get the Credit Check Againt Customer.
Cancel Orders
oe_order_lines_all Cancel Order Details.
Oracle Purchasing Key Tables and their functionalities
PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL stores information about requisition headers. You need one row for each requisition header you create. Each row contains the requisition number, preparer, status, and description.REQUISITION_HEADER_ID is the unique system–generated requisition number. REQUISITION_HEADER_ID is invisible to the user. SEGMENT1 is the number you use to identify the requisition in forms and reports. Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate requisition numbers for you. PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL is one of three tables storing requisition information. PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL corresponds to the Header region of the Requisitions window.SEGMENT1 provides unique values for each row in the table in addition to REQUISITION_HEADER_ID.
PO_REQUISITION_LINES stores information about requisition lines. You need one row for each requisition line you create. Each row contains the line number, item number, item category, item description, need–by date, deliver–to location, item quantities, units, prices, requestor, notes, and suggested supplier information for the requisition line. LINE_LOCATION_ID identifies the purchase order shipment line on which you placed the requisition. LINE_LOCATION_ID is null if you have not placed the requisition line on a purchase order. BLANKET_PO_HEADER_ID and BLANKET_PO_LINE_NUM store the suggested blanket purchase agreement or catalog quotation line information for the requisition line. PARENT_REQ_LINE_ID contains the REQUISITION_LINE_ID from the original requisition line if you exploded or multisourced this requisition line.
PO_REQUISITION_LINES is one of three tables storing requisition information. This table corresponds to the Lines region of the Requisitions window.
PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL stores information about the accounting distributions associated with each requisition line. Each requisition line must have at least one accounting distribution. You need one row for each requisition distribution you create. Each row includes the Accounting Flexfield ID and requisition line quantity. PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL is one of three tables storing your requisition information. This table corresponds to the requisition Distributions window, accessible through the Requisitions window.
PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL contains accounting distribution information for a purchase order shipment line. You need one row for each distribution line you attach to a purchase order shipment. There are four types of documents using distributions in Oracle Purchasing:
• Standard Purchase Orders
• Planned Purchase Orders
• Planned Purchase Order Releases
• Blanket Purchase Order Releases
Each row includes the destination type, requestor ID, quantity ordered and deliver–to location for the distribution. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to record accounting and requisition information for purchase orders and releases. PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL is one of five tables storing purchase order and release information. Some columns in PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL contain information only if certain conditions exist:
• If you autocreate this accounting distribution from a requisition, REQ_DISTRIBUTION_ID corresponds to the ID of the requisition distribution you copy on the purchase order.
• If you use a foreign currency on your purchase order,Oracle Purchasing stores currency conversion information in RATE and RATE_DATE.
• If you use encumbrance, GL_ENCUMBERED_DATE and GL_ENCUMBERED_PERIOD_NAME contain encumbrance information Oracle Purchasing uses to create journal entries in Oracle General Ledger.
• If you do not autocreate the purchase order from online requisitions, REQ_LINE_REFERENCE_NUM and REQ_HEADER_REFERENCE_NUM contain the requisition number and requisition line number of the corresponding paper requisition. These two columns are not foreign keys to another table.
• If the distribution corresponds to a blanket purchase order release, PO_RELEASE_ID identifies this release.
• If SOURCE_DISTRIBUTION_ID has a value, the distribution is part of a planned purchase order release. If you cancel the distribution, Oracle Purchasing automatically updates QUANTITY_CANCELLED or GL_CANCELLED_DATE. Oracle Purchasing also enters UNENCUMBERED_AMOUNT if you use encumbrance.
Oracle Apps Inventory KEY Tables
MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B is the definition table for items. This table holds the definitions for inventory items, engineering items, and purchasing items. You can specify item–related information in fields such as: Bill of Material, Costing, Purchasing, Receiving, Inventory, Physical attributes, General Planning, MPS/MRP Planning, Lead times, Work in Process, Order Management, and Invoicing.
You can set up the item with multiple segments, since it is implemented as a flexfield. Use the standard ’System Items’ flexfield that is shipped with the product to configure your item flexfield. The flexfield code is MSTK. The primary key for an item is the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID. Therefore, the same item can be defined in more than one organization. Each item is initially defined in an item master organization. The user then assigns the item to other organizations that need to recognize this item; a row is inserted for each new organization the item is assigned to.
Many columns such as MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED_FLAG and BOM_ENABLED_FLAG correspond to item attributes defined in the MTL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES table. The attributes that are available to the user depend on which Oracle applications are installed. The table MTL_ATTR_APPL_DEPENDENCIES maintains the relationshipsbetween item attributes and Oracle applications.
Two unit of measure columns are stored in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS table. PRIMARY_UOM_CODE is the 3–character unit that is used throughout Oracle Manufacturing. PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE is the 25–character unit that is used throughout Oracle Purchasing.
Items now support multilingual description. MLS is implemented with a pair of tables: MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B and MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL. Translations table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL) holds item descriptions in multiple languages. DESCRIPTION column in the base table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B) is for backward compatibility and is maintained in the installation base language only. "
This table stores demand and reservation information used in Available To Promise, Planning and other Manufacturing functions. There are three major row types stored in the table: Summary Demand rows, Open Demand Rows, and Reservation Rows.
Summary Demand is direct demand for an item within an organization a particular date that originated from a particular source. For hard reservations there are several columns which further define what the reservation is for, and where it is being placed. Currently, four sources of demand are supported, Sales Order, Account, Account Alias, and User Defined transaction sources.
Five different types of demand, denoted by DEMAND_TYPE column, are used. These five types are Model, Option Class, Option Item, Configuration Item and Derived. Derived demand rows are inserted by BOM Demand exploder when demanded item has ATPable components.
Each Summary Demand row may be associated with one or more Reservation rows. Reservation may be placed against a particular inventory control (that is, specific subinventory, locator, revision and lot) against any sources (that is, Account Number, Account Alias, Sales Order or even User–Defined sources).
Each Summary Demand row may be associated with one or more detailed rows. The detailed rows consist of reservations and open demand. A reservation row represents a firm promise of a supply source. Currently, two types of reservation are supported, reservations to on–hand, and reservations to WIP jobs.
Each summary demand row may be associated with one and only one open demand row. Open Demand rows represent the un–reserved portion of the the Summary Demand.
Oracle Apps General Ledger (GL) KEY Tables
GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS stores information about the sets of books you define in your Oracle General Ledger application. Each row includes the set of books name, description, functional currency, and other information. This table corresponds to the Set of Books form.
GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES stores individual transactions from subledgers that have been summarized into Oracle General Ledger journal entry lines through the Journal Import process. You can specify the journal entry sources for which you want to maintain your transaction’s origin by entering ’Yes’ in the Import Journal References field of the Journal Sources form.
For each source that has Import Journal References set to ’Yes’, Oracle General Ledger will populate GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES with one record for each transaction in your feeder system.
GL_DAILY_RATES stores the daily conversion rates for foreign currency transactions. It replaces the GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_RATES table.
It stores the rate to use when converting between two currencies for a given conversion date and conversion type. Each row in this table has a corresponding inverse row in which the from and to currencies are switched.
For example, if this table contains a row with a from_currency of YEN, a to_currency of CND, a conversion_type of Spot, and a conversion_date of January 1, 1997, it will also contain a row with a from_currency of CND, a to_currency of YEN, a conversion_type of Spot, and a conversion_date of January 1, 1997.
In general, this row will contain a rate that is the inverse of the matching row. One should never insert directly into this table. They should instead insert into the DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table. Data inserted into the GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table will be automatically copied into this table
GL_PERIODS stores information about the accounting periods you define using the Accounting Calendar form. Each row includes the start date and end date of the period, the period type, the fiscal year, the period number, and other information. There is a one–to–many relationship between a row in the GL_PERIOD_SETS table and rows in this table.
Oracle Apps FND and Concurrent Manager Key Tables
Module: Concurrent Manager key Tables
Module: FND key Tables
Module: FND key Tables
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